Seaside Bubble - The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunchbox!

Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 1:47pm

We have had such fun reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch at home and at school. Last week, everyone in Seaside Bubble designed their own Lighthouse Keeper's Lunchbox. We talked about improving the basket that carried Mr Grinling's lunch. The children decided it needed a handle, a lid, a way of fastening the lid and ideally, it would be waterproof.

Today we tested the lunchboxes! I wanted to blog this because we have different children every day, and I wanted those at home today to see that their lunchboxes have been tested in the same way.

We made seagulls (out of paper)  that attacked the lunchboxes, and Mrs Brown created storm conditions using a fairy liquid bottle...

Four lunchboxes survived the treacherous journey and we talked about what made a successful 'Lighthouse Keeper's Lunchbox' design...

Well done everyone!