Thankful Thursday - Virtual Show and Tell

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 9:21am

Today is Thankful Thursday - I really look forward to seeing what you all do with this theme today!

Here is one idea that you may like to try:

Gratitude Jar

The gratitude jar is a stunningly simple exercise that can have profound effects on your well-being and outlook. It only requires a few ingredients: a jar (a box can also work); a ribbon, stickers, glitter, or whatever else you like to decorate the jar; paper and a pen or pencil for writing your gratitude notes; and gratitude!

Step 1: Find a jar or box.

Step 2: Decorate the jar however you wish. You can tie a ribbon around the jar’s neck, put stickers on the sides, use clear glue and glitter to make it sparkle, paint it, keep it simple, or do whatever else you can think of to make it a pleasing sight.

Step 3: This is the most important step, which will be repeated every day. Think of at least three things throughout your day that you are grateful for. It can be something as benign as a cup of coffee, or as grand as the love of your pet, significant other or a good friend. 

Everyone in your family can do this. Today, everyone in the house could write down several things. Then you can pop them in the jar, swirl them round and pull them out to read.

You can also do this for a week or a month. At the end of the week, you can read out what you were thankful for across that week?

Over time, you will find that you have a jar full of a myriad of reasons to be thankful for what you have and enjoy the life you are living. It also will cultivate a practice of expressing thanks.

If you are ever feeling especially down and need a quick pick-me-up, take a few notes out of the jar to remind yourself of who, and what, is good in your life.

Further reading for special grown ups: 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude

Today, I am thankful for all of you, for our Clifford family.

Stay safe,

Mrs Brown