On a Dragon Hunt

Date: 11th May 2021 @ 3:01pm

Last week we recieved a box and a letter from the postman addressed to our class. The letter was from our local pet shop, it asked us to leave the box containing a dragon somewhere cool and dark for 48 hours (2 days), before opening it. On Tuesday we wrote some instructions for looking after it using imperative verbs to give to its new owner. 

On Thursday, when Mrs Storey came in.... the dragon had escaped. We went on a hunt around school to look for him, but he was no-where to be found! We made some wanted posters, and Mrs Pocock phoned the pet shop for advice. They told us to put some food outside for him.

Now Y2 is off isolating, our Y2 team teachers are keeping an eye out for any signs until we're back next week.