Virtual Show and Tell - Shadow Art

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 8:45am

This idea came from Mrs Storey and I love it! 

A shadow is formed when an object blocks the light coming form a source of light. At the moment this activity is perfect as it is so sunny! You can do this inside near a sunny window or outside. If you do it outside you may need some tape to secure the paper to the ground.

Start by lining up your favourite toys - they could be having a parade! Put pieces of plain paper on the ground or floor behind each toy. Can you trace the shadow on the paper before the sun moves?

Once you have traced it - you have made your own colouring page of your favourite toy!

After you've traced the shadows, leave the toy with the paper taped to the ground outside and revisit it a few hours later to see how the sun and shadows moved. Remember, shadows are longer in the morning and afternoon. Can you work out or find out why?

Have fun! Please send any photos to or tweet them to our Twitter account.

Stay safe,

Mrs Brown