Wellbeing Wednesday - Wildlife! (Virtual Show and Tell)

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 9:16am

Today's Wellbeing Wednesday theme is Wildlife! It is up to you how you interpret this - please send any photos to @clifford_school on Twitter or to nbrown@cliffordallsaints.sheffield.sch.uk.

Here are some Wildlife related ideas for your children today.

Contact with the wild improves children’s wellbeing, motivation and confidence - there are more details here.  New report (Nov 2019) shows how nature nurtures children.


Take notice (mindfulness)

There is so much to pay attention to all around us, all the time. Even in a city we can enjoy singing blackbirds and starlings, trees in full bloom and even bumblebees. So why not look up or out of the window and take notice of all the beautiful and wonderful things everywhere today?


Learn about British trees – learn about a new one every day.

Or, spot a tree you like and identify it. 

This is a great resource for Nature Detectives!


There is nothing I like more than to spot or hear one I recognise or to learn a new one I don’t know. They all have such different characters!

Here is a great weekly visitor chart from Simon King Wildlife: Weekly visitor chart for Wellbeing Wildlife Spotting!

It’s easy to make a bird feeder to hang outside your window. Then, watch, listen & identify!


The Sky

Take some time each day to watch the sky in the day and at night.

The Clouds

When you look at the sky in the day, watch the clouds. Can you spot different patterns? Draw a picture of the clouds or imagine that you can see pictures in the different shapes.


Mindfulness for me is about having some quiet time with myself, to just sit for a while and see what is going on. You can explain it to children by saying it’s a bit like looking outside in the morning to see what the weather is doing. You see what the weather pattern is like inside you. This helps you to know what you need that day. So, if it’s raining outside, you know you need an umbrella. If you’re feeling stormy inside, you ask yourself what you need – maybe that’s to be on your own for a bit, or to ask for a hug or to do some exercise.

If you all need some quiet time, try these calming activities

I hope you have a wonderful Wellbeing Wednesday.

Mrs Brown